Brazil - Cleanest Election of All Time!
Bolsonaro voters are being murdered in the streets, votes being bought out in the open, fully electronic voting with no paper audit, absurd vote totals.
Brazil’s election summed up in four tweets.

Brazilian journalists are posting these videos and reporting that Bolsonaro supporters are being brutally murdered in the streets of Brazil right now.
[Graphic imgaery warning]
The tweet below from Bolsonaro reads: "Marcelo Vitor, coordinator of Lula's campaign in Alagoas, was caught red-handed by the PF with 150,000 reais for allegedly buying votes."
It has over 1 million views so far.

Parabéns a todos os policiais do Brasil por coibir o crime!
Marcelo Vitor, coordenador da campanha de Lula em Alagoas, foi pego em flagrante pela PF com 150 mil reais para suposta compra de votos.
I think we all know that they stole this one as well as all of the others.
They need to be utterly destroyed.
The same people who rigged the 2020 USA election rigged Brazil's.