The drones in New Jersey must be the product of a US military operation.
A few clues give it away:
There has been no disruption of commercial air traffic in NJ. That means air traffic control is aware of the drones and they are operating safely outside of controlled airspace. That’s not an accident.
There have been no clear images or videos of the drones published. With the video equipment that’s out there today, especially equipment that’s available to professional news organizations, clear high quality nighttime images of the drones should be readily available.
There’s no military fighter jet gun camera video, no police helicopter thermal video, no low light news camera footage, nothing. Just potato cam phone video. Give me a break. That’s not an accident either.
Local officials are saying these drones are flying in from the ocean, which means there must be a large carrier ship capable of receiving and landing large, apparently fixed wing, drones sitting off the coast. As a former Navy vet, I can promise you, if a foreign carrier was sitting off the coast launching drones over our cities night after night, we would know about it. Back in the 1990s, we could park one ship in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico and track everything from Texas to Florida.
The media’s apparent exasperation and hyperventilating is also a clue. If they really wanted to know what the drones are, they would be be providing us high quality video and getting helicopter thermal night vision video for us, along with following them to where ever they are returning to.
The media is claiming they can’t follow the drones because the drones are somehow shielded from thermal vision. While it’s true that thermal signatures can be reduced with shielding, it doesn’t make an object invisible. The laws of thermodynamics still apply. Notice they don’t provide us with any thermal video proving what they are saying is true.
Here’s an example of just how good thermal cameras are today:
So we know the media is lying. We know air traffic controllers know what’s going on. And we know the government is lying.
Now as far as I can tell, given the complete lack of any good video, this entire thing could be one gigantic phycological operation. I’ve looked at tons of video of these drones and they all appear to be normal aircraft doing normal aircraft things shot on potato cam cell phones by people who have no idea what they are looking at.
Also, the videos of people shooting at the drones are all fake. Videos with no audio are all fake. Videos of weird lights moving at rapid speed in zig zags are all fake. Don’t believe them.
One interesting item of note: I did see a daytime video out of NJ that captured this aircraft flying around:
This is a very unusual aircraft and I’ve never seen anything like it. I’m a huge aviation buff and I’m familiar with almost every plane that’s ever been made, but this one is completely new to me. There’s no clear markings, no clear tail number, just a plain white body and the cockpit “window”, if you can call it that, does not appear to be large enough for a pilot to see out of effectively, meaning it’s likely a camera housing. If someone can ID this aircraft, let me know in the comments. It’s possible this could be one of the “drones” everyone is talking about.
It is a bit unusual for a drone though, as there’s no apparent downward looking sensor system. It does look like there’s a small black portal on the side just under the wing that could house a camera though.
(update: I believe this is an AW609. Very rare, which is probably why I’ve never heard of it.)
Interestingly, a military contract was signed back in June of 2023 that setup a drone corridor in New Jersey for the testing of unmanned cargo drones.
Also, this post has been making the rounds:
Is he telling the truth? Who knows. Could just be more PsyOp bullshit. All the politicians stomping their feet demanding answers are full of shit. Everyone knows what’s going on, they just aren’t telling us.
Now we have the Governor of New Jersey, going on Fox News of all places, telling us these are Iranian drones being launched from a mothership off the coast of New Jersey. The Hodge twins sniffed this one out in the most hilarious way possible.
What scares me is that these criminal psychopaths in power are going to stage some fake drone crisis to justify an attack against Iran. These people blew up the twin towers, killed millions in Iraq, Afghanistan, and now Ukraine over made up bullshit, released a bioweapon on the world that killed millions, with millions more killed by their fake vaccine, and tanked the US economy over Trump’s 2016 election. They are totally unhinged psychopathic lunatics and there’s no telling what they are capable of doing before Trump takes power again.
Zero chance they are unknown. Shiny object to divert the country's attention from what they don't want you to see.
Michael! Thank you for the no-BS writeup. Going to be sending the link to this article out far and wide.