Japanese Researchers Discover Massive Numbers Of Unexplained Nanostructures In COVID Vaccines
COVID vaccines are all shipped cryogenically frozen, and are supposed to be used within hours of being dethawed. Japanese researchers were curious what kind of changes the vaccines underwent after being injected into the human body, so they took samples of various vaccines and monitored them under warming conditions similar to those found in the body.
The researchers found that as the vaccines were warmed, nanostructures suddenly began to self-assemble and appear within them. These structures are reported to be animated worm-like entities, comprised of discs, chains, spirals and tubes. There are also right angled structures that appear to contain other artificial entities with in them. Scientists found that about 3 to 4 million of these structures appeared per milliliter of injectable.
In the images below, you can see the relative size of the structures. For comparison, a red blood cell is roughly 7 micro-meters. A 100 micro-meter object is just barely visible to the human eye at roughly 1/10th of a millimeter.
These structures are unexplained. The scientists surmise that the objects appear to indicate the presence of some kind of unknown and unreported nano-technology within the vaccines.
They are detailed in the paper "Real-Time Self-Assembly of Stereomicroscopically Visible Artificial Constructions in Incubated Specimens of mRNA Products Mainly from Pfizer and Moderna: A Comprehensive Longitudinal Study"
Dr. John Campbell discusses the paper and its implications here: https://rumble.com/v5e07d1-breaking-new-peer-reviewed-paper-confirms-presence-of-nanostructures-in-cov.html
I've seen some people complaining on X that this paper doesn't check out, but I looked into and found it to be credible. The people on X are idiots.
The lab where this was conducted is in Doryeong-ro 7-gil in Jeju, which is a full blown hospital complex.
The ORCID ID checks out for Young Mi Lee, and was last updated in February 2024.
Searching PUBMED under Lee, YoungMi finds several papers published, though none are published in Jeju. She's also published before in the same journal.
I don't see any reason to disbelieve this paper based on who the submitters are, not that it should matter anyways. What matters is that the testing was conducted appropriately and that it could be replicated by another lab should they have the guts to look into it.
I seen images and videos about this 2-3 years ago… Different people were putting microscopic images out there… I wonder if all of these “things” caused all the immediate clotting and deaths…? And now after several years, what are these little “things” doing in peoples’ bodies? Why did some people die immediately and others didn’t? Did some of the hot batches have more of this nanotechnology and it just clotted together and killed the people immediately while others had just a smaller load? 🤔🤔🤔 It seems like the researchers that are actually looking into all of this are finding multiple avenues that this poison is killing the people…
How deadly does a drug have to be before it’s finally pulled off the market? 🔥🔥🔥