Ukraine Conflict Predicted, Biowarfare Possible
You have to read this article on the Ukraine conflict written by a guy from Texas who enlisted as a “freedom fighter” in eastern Ukraine. It was published on site called Covert Action Magazine back in January. It’s absolutely mind-blowing. The article is well sourced and extremely predictive of what just took place. This story popped up in my search results while I was looking into internet rumors about US funded bio-chemical weapons research taking place in the Ukraine, which I’ll get to in a minute.
I’ll list off some of the highlights.
Describes Ukrainian neo-Nazis working with Biden officials to stage a chemical warfare attack.
After Nazi coup in 2014, $2.5 billion in US military aid was handed to Ukraine.
Tap water for the Donbass region was poisoned by chemical agents, possibly from fracking, in December. This has been a recurring theme in the region, see here and here.
Russia is claiming chemical weapons were delivered to US mercenaries in December.
Discusses how the Ukraine violated the peace agreement with Russia, positioning itself to ally with NATO and potentially allow US bases to be established on Russia’s border.
Points out massive joint US-Ukrainian military exercises were scheduled for later this year, 64,000 troops, thousands of planes, helicopters, warships, etc.. that could be a prelude to a permanent US occupancy and admission into NATO.
Correctly predicts exactly when major military operations would start, saying explicitly they would start in February.
Getting back to the US funded bio-chemical weapons research, I came across this article from April of 2020 discussing the admission by US diplomats that Pentagon controlled biological laboratories do in fact exist in the Ukraine, but are being used exclusively for “peaceful purposes.” - where have we heard that before?
The Ukrainians were complaining because, after the launch of the biolaboratories in Ukraine, there were outbreaks of infectious diseases.
The article states:
“So, in Ternopol in 2009 there was a virus that caused hemorrhagic pneumonia. Its victims were 450 Ukrainians. In 2011, there was an outbreak of cholera in Ukraine – 33 people died. Three years later, cholera was diagnosed already 800 citizens, another year later more than 100 cases of cholera were recorded in Nikolaev.”
People’s deputies also gave such examples. In January 2016, 20 soldiers died from an influenza-like virus in Kharkov, and more than 200 were hospitalised. Two months later, 364 deaths were recorded in Ukraine. “The reason is swine flu of the same strain of influenza that led to the global pandemic in 2009,” say Medvedchuk and Kuzmin.
They further point out that in 2017 in Nikolaev there was an outbreak of hepatitis A. In the summer of the same year there were similar hotbeds of infection in Zaporozhye and Odessa, and in the autumn – in Kharkov.
“In 2010-2012 [i.e., already under Yanukovych – ed] the Ukrainian government initiated checks to see if the laboratories comply with all safety measures. As a result, a number of gross disorders were identified that could lead to the leakage of strains of dangerous infections. The fact of extract ventilation facing the premises of a kindergarten was even recorded,” it is said in the appeal of Medvedchuk and Kuzmin.
The evidence implies Putin acted against the Ukraine because it became public knowledge that the US was preparing to move massive numbers of troops and hardware into the region to conduct anti-Russian military drills, setting the stage for a permanent US military occupancy of the Ukraine under NATO membership, while simultaneously engaging in illegal biowarfare research in the region, collaborating with neo-Nazis and potentially arming them with bioweapons to stage false flag attacks against Russia.