Remarkable that it took a mere four years for this case to be presented.

It is my fear that any order that issues will be stayed because of the proximity of the election. Last minute changes are only all right if they favor the party or person that needs a boost. Or there will be an immediate appeal and a stay will issue pending the appeal. In any case, this will churn on for years, perhaps in hope that The Great Ballot Heist will be long forgotten by the time the case concludes.

Truly worthy of The Town were it not so critically important.

Saw a documentary years ago about a contest run by McDonald's. The game materials, the plans, the results, and the like were locked down tighter than tight.

Not so with the means to determine the future of our nation.

This leads me to believe that laxity in election processes has been permitted because it might come in handy. A kind of "just in case" bit of wiggle room.

Voting integrity will take decades to restore.

Note that neither party rushed out after 2020 to set matters straight or to secure the election processes. This causes me to abandon what little respect for both parties I once held.

If voting is not of consequence, or is rendered inconsequential by design, or by criminal means, little remains of government by the consent of the governed.

Scott Adams covers this in his podcast today. Worth a listen!

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Oct 14Liked by Michael Suede

Thanks for this. Not over (as you note), but very encouraging.

I've noticed a lot of other things happening 'behind the scenes' that seem like perhaps not everybody in gov't is on board with fully-automated luxury gay communism...

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I have questions about this, because you'd have to know where to send them, and in whose name.

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16 hrs ago·edited 1 hr agoAuthor

Left wing NGOs, funded by people like Zuckerberg, used grant leverage to gain access to voter information. That information was then passed on to the criminals filling out the fake ballots. This is why democrats refuse to keep the voter rolls clean. https://nypost.com/2021/10/13/mark-zuckerberg-spent-419m-on-nonprofits-ahead-of-2020-election-and-got-out-the-dem-vote/

For example, if you have dirty voter rolls with lots of people who are registered to vote, but who do not actually vote, you can search the rolls to generate a list of people who are registered to vote, but haven't voted in the past two elections, and then use that information when you fill in the fake ballots. This method makes it very unlikely that anyone will complain that someone voted in their name if they do happen to vote.

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Can you please post a link to somewhere where I can find a copy of the Post Office's contractor info that was redacted (the whited out vendor info). I think it's daming, and gives credence to the fraud. I'd like to get this out to some people I know.

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It is damning. I haven't seen a copy of that posted anywhere. That is coming from Patrick's statement as to what happened. It's possible it could be in one of the linked court filings, but it costs money to get copies of those. Since it is not a court document itself, it's possible it's not even part of the court filings though. It's just a response to a FOIA request.

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