It’s gonna be a hell of a year, that’s for sure. Folks need to be as prepared as they are able!

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5 G Warfare. The Chinese call it "unrestricted War."

We are losing.. The death rate in the U.S. is about what it was in WW II.

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You're full of shit. You've been saying that chaos is coming, global financial collapse next year etc for at least a decade. You've been wrong every time.

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David, you must be rich. A bag of groceries costs double what it did just a few years ago, same with gas and mortgage/rent payments. The middle class is being wiped out and you're trying to tell me everything is fine as the US burns to the ground.

The economic signals are blazing alarm bells all over the place. https://www.usbank.com/investing/financial-perspectives/market-news/treasury-yields-invert-as-investors-weigh-risk-of-recession.html

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It's a hell of a leap from an inflation rate of 3% to a literal Chinese military invasion. I'm old enough to remember inflation of 14%, and I'm not that old. We are also very, very far from the middle class being 'wiped out' or the US burning to the ground. You've been predicting the imminent collapse of the entire global financial system and every fiat currency every single year since at least 2010. It was hysterical bullshit every time before, and it's hysterical bullshit today.

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Invasion of TAIWAN - TAIWAN bro. But that said, tens of thousands of military aged Chinese nationals have just crossed over our border in the past year, with the full blessing and support of the Chinese government. You tell me what they are up to. Have you seen Bret Weinstein's Rogan interview about the Chinese invasion camps he toured in Panama?

Germany, UK, and other euro nations are already in recession. The US is 100% guaranteed to follow suit very soon. Pelosi and other congress cretins are dumping their stocks, as are major players like Bezos. They know what's about to happen.

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There must be a major demand for Chinese Food in America. I've heard a number of 150,000 Chinese military age men have invaded our southern border. Mostly into Arizona, while 30,000 Russian men with nearly all coming over at one checkpoint in Texas.

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If you believe the government or the MSM, you are a victim of 'Mass Formation Psychosis' if you have taken the lipid self-assembling nanoparticle Jabb or Jabbs, it is more likely. Rents have nearly tripled here in the last few years; that alone blows your bogus 3% inflation rate out of the ballpark: 70% gas increase, 50% car insurance increase. Many grocery items are up a dollar or more. Meanwhile, package sizes are shrinking while the price is not. The government 'adjusted' how they used to figure inflation to make it look better.

The Mass Depopulation Continues. Sadly, George Orwell nailed it in 1948 when he wrote: "The PEOPLE will not Revolt. They will not look up from their screens long enough to notice what's happening."

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David Hodder, below is a reply I misplaced, but the times have even gotten much worse than that post below. Have you been paying attention yet? It's so bad that we may not make it to the November 5th election. And the Communist Leftists in America are tooling up for a Revolution in America. It's real, brother; wake up. It's later than you think. When the Bible, the celestial events, and current events all point to the same End of Days. Very horrendous things are about to unfold. As I write this, Israel is Bombing Iran! God's actual calendar makes things clear. God's timeline is at THE END!

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