Very insightful! Of course, to those in power in this generation, the Constitution is meaningless, so rest assured this is just another thing they will continue to desecrate!

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There's a clearly willful element at play within our own government to shut out inconvenient historical facets concerning the Constitution. (vis-à-vis: Colorado Supreme Court attempting to justify a clearly partisan decision on the 14th amendment) I believe this is a natural consequence for much of the accelerated deterioration of true jurisprudence in this country and others. The net effect is the rejection of God in all judicial circles. Subsequent to the rejection of God is spiritually darkened hearts as is stated in the first chapter of Romans. "Thinking themselves wise, they became fools."

We've just witnessed the clear inability for swaths of our western population to rightly recognize acts of sheer evil and call it out as such (I wrote about this in a short essay today on my substack) - all of it is the predictable outcome from a willful blinding to the foundations of moral law.

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