We Are At War, You Just Haven't Realized It Yet
The military is being systematically dismantled while supply chains, energy production and currency stability are being openly attacked; believing this is all due to incompetence is wishful thinking.
Some of you may be familiar with a philosophical adage called Hanlon's razor which states, “never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.” This adage is often invoked by political analysts trying to make sense of seemingly non-sensical policies passed by one party or another. As you continue reading, I would like you to keep in mind the word “adequately” - because you’re going to be reflecting on it quite a bit as you read this. My goal here is to help you understand that the self-destructive policies being implemented all around us are not “mistakes” or “stupidity” - they are calculated moves to weaken the United States.
At this point, I think it’s pretty clear that the United States is under attack by an adversary that has seized control of the levers of power through various forms of fraud, extortion and bribery. We can go through a list of clear indicators a mile long, but let’s start by just looking at the military.
After the first five months of this fiscal year, the Army has only reached 23 percent of its active duty recruitment goals for the year - this is unprecedented. At that rate of recruitment the military will be non-functional within a matter of years. The GAO testified back in 2000 that the attrition rate of new enlistees before the completion of their first term was around 30 percent. In 2020, the RAND corp. estimated the total 36 month attrition rate for all branches to be between 20 to 30%. Given those attrition rates, you can see just how quickly the military could deteriorate in a situation where they can barely meet half of their stated recruitment goals.
It’s important to remember that this all started the minute a new regime seized power in what was clearly one of the most fraudulent elections ever conducted in US history. We went from having zero recruitment issues to a total implosion within a matter of months. If this was due to systemic incompetence within the military, we would have seen issues with recruitment long before Biden took office. The election fraud also calls into question the allegiances of the ruling regime.
In the face of recruitment levels so bad that they spell the pending total collapse of US military readiness, the US military is busy firing tens of thousands of servicemembers for refusing to take an experimental “vaccine” which is known to be completely ineffective at stopping the spread of COVID. Not only is it ineffective, it also has huge numbers of extremely severe side-effects according to the military’s own medical databases. The military did this while simultaneously refusing virtually all religious exemption requests from the vaccine.
While facing this recruitment apocalypse, not only has the military continued to mandate the taking of a dangerous “vaccine” as a condition of enlistment, but they have also come out publicly saying new recruits will be forced to shower with transvestites, forced to undergo mandated pronoun training, forced to serve under a Secretary of Defense who has openly stated that anyone who supports Trump is a racist (which includes 57% of the military), all while being under the command of a President who has no problem blowing up car loads of kids (no one was publicly fired) and handing 10 billion dollars worth of military hardware to a foreign enemy (no one was fired for that either).
Take a listen to what Marine Corps. Lieutenant Colonel "Sonny" Scott Duncan, a current F35 pilot and Top Gun instructor with over 2800 flying hours and over 300 combat hours, has to say about his experience trying to get a religious exemption for the vaccine mandate.
Duncan describes apparent blanket rejections for religious exemptions (unless you’re a vegan claiming animal testing offends you), and a chain of command that is unwilling to do anything to stop it.
Duncan notes that all branches of the military are struggling to fill attack pilot positions. He estimates that Marine Corps. F-35 program manning is at about 45%, and that jets are being produced at a faster pace than they can find pilots to fly them. When Duncan tried to resign over the mandate, his command told him he was not allowed to resign because his skill set was too valuable due to the pilot shortage and because he had taken the aviation commission bonus pay. When Duncan applied for early retirement, his command recommended that early retirement be denied because his skill set was too valuable to lose due to the pilot shortage.
So instead of allowing Duncan to quit or retire, his command is proceeding forward with a general administrative separation. These types of discharges are generally for people who commit criminal acts while in uniform, like testing positive for drugs. For an enlisted member, such a discharge causes the loss of a huge number of benefits, including the GI bill and state college funding.
During the interview, host Matt Lohmeier goes on to relate a similar story about a colonel who fly’s an A-10 whom he personally knows. The colonel is eligible to retire at over 20 years of service. The colonel applied for retirement before their commitment date was up to avoid the “vaccine”. Their retirement request was denied because of the pilot shortage. This colonel is similarly being threatened with a general administrative separation for refusing the “vaccine”.
So here we have multiple military pilots relating the same story: that the pilot shortage is so bad that they are not being allowed to quit or retire, yet they are still being processed out of the military under less than honorable conditions for refusing to take an experimental “vaccine” that they have requested a religious exemption from. It also doesn’t matter that they have decades of honorable service, including having been in combat - the military is firing them with a less than honorable discharge anyways.
Keep in mind there are many ways to punish a person in the military. A general administrative separation is RARELY used for anything other than gross criminal conduct or drug abuse. Commanders can: restrict people to the base, their barracks, the ship, take half their pay for two months, reject leave requests, force them to work a ridiculous schedule, ground pilots, reassign them to terrible locations, reassign them to terrible jobs, they can even force them to eat nothing but bread and water for several days at a time.
These actions do not align with a hypothesis of stupidity, ignorance or incompetence. The military is clearly aware they have a serious staffing problem. Nor do these actions indicate they are concerned about safety. If this was just about the “safety” of vaccinated troops (which makes no sense if the vaccines actually work), the military could immediately be rid of these particular vaccine objectors by simply letting them retire or resign; instead, they are forcing them through a lengthily and costly administrative separation that is resulting in numerous lawsuits, as well as keeping them around longer, prolonging the time vaccinated troops face exposure to their allegedly toxic breath. And of course, the military’s own vaccine safety data is being completely ignored.
So what about malice? Does anyone believe the military is refusing to let officers retire honorably after 20 years of service, while simultaneously forcing them out under an administrative separation, simply because senior command hates “vaccine” objectors for some completely undiscernible reason? I got no inkling of this being the case from either Duncan or Lohmeier’s stories.
So if the military command isn’t stupid, ignorant or malicious, what does that leave us with? Some people might argue that the senior command are weak individuals who are unwilling to stand up to the civilian leadership. OK, so why is the civilian leadership doing this then? Pure spite?
If this is about the civilian leadership trying to appease a bunch of leftwing radicals, why not just impose “vaccine” and woke training mandates, while simultaneously avoiding all the problems those mandates would create, by simply approving the religious accommodation requests? Why is it so important that these troops be jabbed?
There is no need to refuse the religious accommodation requests unless they truly believe the vaccines are necessary for the safety and continued readiness of the military, but if the safety and readiness of the military were actually their top concerns, they wouldn’t be creating a completely avoidable enlistment apocalypse while firing combat pilots with 20 years of experience during a pilot shortage, while also refusing to let those same pilots simply retire. Again, why are they refusing those accommodation requests?
At this point, we have to look at probabilities here. Is it more probable that the US military is run by people who are so dumb, so incredibly incompetent, so unbelievably ignorant that they are unable to see the cataclysmic damage they are causing, while simultaneously showing just how aware of it they are by refusing to let people resign or retire? Does that sound reasonable to you? If it does, you’re a fool.
No. This is an attack. These contradictory policies are all designed to have one goal in mind: destroying the US military.
These systematic attacks on the military are being mirrored by every democrat run police department across the United States. Detective Amy Dice of the Pittsburg Police Department is estimating that the city could lose upwards of 50% of its police force in the coming months due to the “vaccine” mandates being imposed upon them. Is it a coincidence that the same tactics of denying religious exemptions are being utilized? All of our major democrat run cities are facing similar attempts to dismantle their police departments. Why is it so vital to have these cops vaccinated that the city is willing to have 50% of its cops quit rather than simply approve a much smaller subset of religious accommodations?
The gun control laws, the hyper-inflation, the no-bail “reforms”, the medical worker “vaccine” mandates, dumping tens of billions into the Ukraine, trillions upon trillions spent on “pandemic stimulus” within a single year timeframe with zero accountability, lockdowns, effectively shutting down all energy exploration, raiding the strategic petroleum reserve and shipping it overseas, laws prohibiting truckers from being independent contractors, all the major search engines and social medial sites engaging in coordinated censorship, how many other things can you think of? We are at war. This is by design. The people in power were placed there intentionally to do these things.
Who is behind it? I can only speculate. We know the virus came out of a lab from Wuhan according to the leaks from the NIH. We know the NIH/NIAID were bought off. We know the Biden family’s corrupt business dealings with China are so bad that even the Wall Street Journal is being forced to report on them. Biden sent millions of barrels of oil from the strategic reserve to China. Biden shutdown the national security program Trump setup to combat Chinese industrial espionage. Biden effectively shutdown all oil and gas exploration in the United States his first day in office. The war in the Ukraine weakens the US, Europe and Russia, while almost entirely benefiting China. The list goes on and on. Notice a pattern?
China is one of the most morally bankrupt nations in the world, with an official religion of atheism. The CCP has no moral qualms about doing whatever is necessary to gain and retain as much power as possible - which is entirely in alignment with the baby killing degenerates of our own left wing political establishment here. Think they might be in bed together? You decide.
Oh, one last thing - guess who makes the ingredients for the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines? Guess which vaccines China recommends not taking? Guess which vaccines are the only ones given to our military?
From Hunter Biden’s latest phone hack:
Update: China has directly responded to this article.
Update: I just had an epiphany. I know what this is all about.
What is happening here is the end game It is the culmination of 70 years of espionage by the Chinese Communists against every facet of American life. For that entire time our country has been warned this was happening by patriots who studied the issue. Most were rejected as crackpots and the U.S. kept its head in the sand all the while driven by greed and access to cheap Chinese labor. So Americans continued to keep their heads in the sand to what was really going on. Now our population and government have become so infected with the Marxist "woke" brainwashing from ChiCom controled acedemia and media that we have pulled our heads from the sand and inserted it up our collective rectum. Folks we are in the final battle of a long communist insurgency against the American way of life. And the Chinese are winning. Wake up America.
"China is one of the most morally bankrupt nations in the world, with an official religion of atheism."
China is morally bankrupt, but atheism has nothing to do with it. The most murderous regimes in history were (and still today are) also proudly "religious": remember those jolly fellows who wore "Gott Mit Uns" belt buckles as they smashed their way across Europe?
"... which is entirely in alignment with the baby killing degenerates of our own left wing political establishment here."
Misusing words is for those who have no solid arguments. A baby is a living, breathing human being. Before birth, it is a fetus, which quite properly has no legal standing. Apparently you are claiming that any woman who runs her own life and makes her own decisions about whether to carry a pregnancy to term is a "baby killing degenerate"? Whereas people who delight in sticking their noses into other people's wombs are wonderful, upstanding citizens? I call that kind of thinking twisted and sick. It's also not going to fly in America, no matter how many screaming fanatics demand it.